"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to THRIVE; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
- Maya Angelou
"To experience a Thrive Time event means to be in an atmosphere of transparency, trustworthiness and
sisterhood of which I embraced all three. Educators would benefit greatly from the mindful meditation
because it would push them to pause as their lives are bombarded by distractions. Taking some time to
breathe, cry, think and reflect gives them a strategy to take on any challenge presented to them even
when they know the answer. The strength in the meditation is not knowing but stopping to accept
that each moment thereafter will take care of itself."
-Valerie, Teacher
"You motivated me to be fearless, to embrace my fear and do it anyway. I'm prepared to take the first
step in bringing my dreams to fruition. My mantra
for the next 30 days 'I am the answer to someone's prayers' from this day forward I intend to THRIVE!"
- Serne, Community Organizer
"The Masks we wear can cause us to NOT reach the FULL purpose that God has for our life. Remove the masks" and THRIVE! Let's be all we are destined to be. Thank you Shéree Jones for another thought
provoking THRIVE Time"
- Sharyn, Registered Nurse